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Why isn’t my website showing up on Google? It is the most common question for people who have a website. This can be very annoying and harmful for your business or for your personal brand. Regardless of the time and hard work done on website design, many points save it from being indexed and from ranking on Google. By understanding these points, you can easily take corrective measures to increase the website’s visibility. 

5 Reasons Why your Site Isn’t Showing Up on Google

There can be many reasons why you ask, “Why can’t I find my website on Google?”

Here are 5 common reasons why your site isn’t showing up on Google:

  • Google doesn’t index your site.
  • AI content or invaluable quality content 
  • Low backlinks
  • Technical SEO Issues 
  • Actions from Google

1. Google doesn’t Index your Site

Before showing up in the search results, it should need to be indexed by the Google bot. It is a process in which the Google bot (also known as spiders or web crawlers) inspects your site and adds its content to the Google database. If you make or build a new site or make some big changes, it might not be indexed. 


  • Submit Your Site to Google: Use the Google Search Console to submit your site’s URL. This alerts Google to crawl and index your site.

  • Create and Submit a Sitemap: A sitemap is a file that contains the data for all the pages on your website. Submitting a sitemap to Google helps confirm that all your pages are indexed. You can generate a sitemap using various tools and submit it through the Google Search Console.

  • Check Robots.txt File: Make sure your robots.txt file is not blocking Google’s crawlers from inspecting your site. The robots.txt file needs to allow crawling for pages you want indexed.

2. AI Content or Invaluable Quality Content

Google always values high-quality and related content in its search results. If site content is low, copied, or unrelatable, Then, it might not be ranked on SERP as well as get indexed by the Google bot. High-quality content is an important factor in good ranking on SERP and indexing as per the Google algorithm.


  • Make High-Quality Content: Focus on making original, informative, and valuable content that meets the needs and interests of your target audience.

  • Don’t Use Duplicate Content: Make sure that your content is unique. Duplicate content can confuse search engines and lead to lower rankings.

  • Regularly Update Content: Regularly update your site with fresh content to keep it relatable and pleasant for users and search engines alike.

3. Low Amount of Backlinks

Outbound and inbound links from other sites to yours are important factors in how your webpage will rank on SERP. A site with a low amount of backlinks may struggle to gain higher visibility in SERP.


  • Make Quality Backlinks: Involve in strategies to get high-quality backlinks from reputable sites. This can include guest posting, infographics, and other off-page activities.

  • Avoid Spammy Links: Be alert to low-quality or spammy backlinks because they can harm your site’s reputation and ranking for the Google Bot.

4. Technical SEO Issues

Technical SEO is related to non-content factors that play a major role in overall site performance and how bots will index and crawl your site. The most common technical SEO problems can prevent your site from appearing on the SERP. 


  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Make sure your site is responsive and mobile-friendly. Google uses mobile-first indexing, so a site that doesn’t perform well on mobile devices may be punished.

  • Fast Loading Speeds: Increase your site’s loading speed. A slow site can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings. You can use free tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix speed issues.

  • Fix Broken Links: Regularly check for and fix broken links on your site. Broken links can negatively affect the user experience and SEO.

5. Actions From Google

If your website doesn’t follow the GSC guidelines, then it can be very harmful for your SERP rankings, or your website can be permanently removed from the search results. Some of the common problems that cause violations are keyword stuffing, cloaking, and making paid links. 


  • Audit Your Site for Violations: Make an audit report of your site to make sure it meets the requirements of Google’s guidelines. There are some tools, like Google Search Console, that can help understand issues.

  • Fix Any Violations: Correct any violations straightaway. If your site has been punished, you may need to submit a re-examine request to Google for the issues you have addressed.

  • Keep Your Focus on White-Hat SEO: Use white-hat SEO techniques that focus on giving value to users instead of handling search engine rankings.


Make sure your website appears in Google search results using several factors, like high-quality content, technical SEO, and respect for best techniques. After addressing the following issues, which we have discussed above, you will see the high visibility of your site on SERP. If you’re looking for someone who can address the following issues for you, then Ventus Digital is always ready to help you. From addressing your website issues to making good visibility of your site on SERP, we check every box to take your business to new heights. 


1. Why is my website not appearing on Google searches?

Ans: Main reasons why a website is not showing up in a Google search. The most common reason is that the website is new and the Google bot hasn’t crawled it yet. Also, technical or content problems can be a big problem for the website when it is inspected by search engines.

2. Why are my Google sites not showing up?

Ans: Google has not yet indexed your website. This is most common with brand new websites. Google Bot doesn’t consider your site “trustworthy” or “relatable” to showcase it for the keywords you want to rank.

3. Why is my site not showing?

Ans: In order for your website to show up in search results, Google needs to add it to its index. Google Bot uses its index to show websites in related search results. If your page or site is missing from Google’s index, it won’t rank because Google doesn’t know it exists.